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How to increase organic traffic | increasing web traffic

Years ago, get organic traffic   the majority of a website's content as text, with only a few images serving specific objectives such as the site's logo, advertising banners, and modest decorative visuals to draw attention to key places of the site. Because internet rates were still slow, the main purpose for this was to keep the site minimal and quick to load.        However, now that the majority of the globe has access to high-speed internet, websites are flooded with photographs, movies, and other forms of material. In fact, many people would rather watch other forms of media than reading for long periods of time.     Never before in the history of the internet has having a variety of content types available on your site be more crucial. It is no longer profitable to concentrate simply on the written word. Even if SEO is driving a substantial amount of your traffic, it's still critical to have a diverse range of media formats on your site. While Google still favor

SEO Trips and Tactics

SEO Trips and Tactics    All intellectual property rights are reserved. The reproduction and distribution of this work are strictly prohibited. Without specific permission from the publisher, no part of this book may be copied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise. The purpose of this publication is to provide reliable and authoritative information about the subject matter. It is sold with the knowledge that neither the author nor the publisher is providing legal, intellectual property, accounting, or other professional advice. A qualified professional should be engaged if legal advice or other professional aid is required.   The author and distributor, individually or together, take no liability for any obligations arising from the activities of any parties concerned.     3 The Beginning   This ebook will teach you how to use 100 different search engine tactics. In the search engi